The idea of writing this blog comes to my mind when I was trying to find the reason why
1. I can't find free time.
2. I take so long to finish the work which is too easy.
3. I am that busy or just pretending.
4. And the important one is why every day disappears before I recognize it.
5. Every time I feel I can't wait for the moment and when the moment comes for which I was contiguously waiting and not even responding to my current surroundings and then I find my all excitement has gone. And I observe I lost a good amount of time which can be utilized in a great way.

There are so many such time losses that we never trapped or observed. Let's understand it with some examples.
Imaging after a week is your final exam and you don't even know the subject's name. So you start making schedules, creating slots to study different subjects, eating time, recreation time, start following different time tables, counting time left, and many more.
But after 2-3 days you find out you are in the same situation when you were when you started.
So where the all-time goes?
Let's take one more example
This one is interesting. This is a comparison between two things.
One is you are using social networking applications on your phone like Instagram, TikTok or YouTube and others is you are in a boring lecture.
After then you found that you only decide to use those applications for 15-20 minutes has taken your hour or more whereas in that boring lecture when you think you it's being a long time and then find only 5 minutes have passed.
This happens frequently with us and the causes of this situation are
1. Jumping off our mind from one thought to others.
2. We are already in certain emotions.
3. Living in the past or in the future.
4. Assuming the consequence.
5. Not concentrating on the current task.
6. We think the time we are having will finish one day and because of this thought, we will waste our present too.
7. If something bad happened and because of it we keep on feeling regrets then there is double lose first your past was bad then you are doing nothing in the present to secure yourself for the future.
And there could be more reasons. And where there is a WILL there is WAY. I mean there are many solutions. Many of them are good habits that every successful person has adapted.
1. Meditation
2. Talking to your self, people might say you are mad but you need to know yourself. If their saying matters to you then you can never approve yourself.
3. Realizing your mistakes
4. Forgiving yourself for the past
5. Do your duty without thinking about results(कर्म करो फल की चिंता मत करो)
One is my favorite and calls it watching different perspective or we can say "try to put yourself in someone else's shoes" which help me in understanding the situation better.
And there is one more. In this, I close my eyes for 5 seconds and just try to remember what I am doing, what I suppose to do, and is it important to right now.
You must be wondering how these are the solutions for the examples which I gave. But if you try to go a little deeper when you are preparing for your exams then you are more thinking about, "Will I pass the exam or Not " instead of preparing for it.
And in the second example when you are using your phone then you are in particular emotion and if you close your eyes and then you just interrupt your emotion by asking some questions to you. And in the lecture, you made yourself so lazy that you can't even study. It is the duty of the teacher to shape the future of the country in the best possible way and we are just ignoring it by seeing them as anyone disturbing our calmness. Here we have to realize our mistake because if we study or not they still get the salary but still they try hard to educate us.
At last, I want to say time is the most powerful element of our lives.
“A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life.”
Charles Darwin
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#StayHome #StaySafe #UtilizeYourTimeToDevelopNewHabits
ReplyDeleteWell, that was very inspiring. Kudos!